Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Masters program application essay

My first foray into the cutthroat world of office work was at the office of Verizon Wireless. Here I served as an account manager and was assigned various tasks relating to accounts management. The work involved required me to seek out and win over new clients for the business as well as maintaining the company relationship with the already existing client base. It was at Verizon Wireless where I learned the various ways of dealing with clients. I learned how to satisfy the clients needs even if it seemed to be an almost impossible task. The experience I gained at Verizon Wireless can be considered to be highly valuable people skills that led me to believe that it would be possible for me to venture out on my own. The work path I was traversing at the time led me to take a chance on starting up a company based on sole proprietorship. Out of the many business ideas I had in mind, I settled on starting a small business that I could hopefully develop into a moneymaking machine. Thus, Setra Logistics was born. At Setra, I became involved in developing a management company that centered within the importation, exportation, and transportation business. The company's first business venture was doing local transport for auto auctions as well as shipping small cargo overseas. I ended up taking a loss at that time but I was not bothered because I felt that I was growing as a person and enhancing my management skills. Over time, I began employing more people and I learned to manage their individual work ethics and beliefs in life in order to bring out their full potential for the benefit of the company.   Through sheer hard work, patience, and perseverance, I managed to guide the company into a time of growth and at present the company is now a full fledged transport company boasting of an international clientele based throughout Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. All these companies use our services for importing goods from the USA. Within the USA, we also have our own transport fleet that deals in transporting goods within the US. My biggest accomplishment to date though is that I managed to find partner companies overseas who can help hasten our logistics process in the aforementioned regions. At Setra Logistics, I manage a group of 7 employees of various genders, race, and nationality. It is because of the confidence I developed over the years here that I found the inner strength to try and establish another business venture. It is true that running a business alone is time consuming and 100% stressful but I have found that in the particular line of business Setra is in, it is best managed alone. Later one, I realized that I was starting to outgrow Setra Logistics and needed something new to tweak my interest. After a get together with some other business minded people, we agreed to pool our resources together and established ACS ATm, Incorporated.   Along with my partner, I am now heavily involved in the ATM machine and ISO clearinghouse business. ACS ATm is a company that specializes in ATM machine installation as well as credit card services. My company is quite active in the New York Metro area. My partners and I share the same vision of the future for ACS. We all look forward to managing the business so well, that, in the near future, it will become a leading processor for automated Teller machine software and hardware worldwide. Along with 3 other managers, our goal is to learn the ins and outs of the ATM transaction processing business and then, develop out own innovative ideas and products that will change the ATM transaction processing procedures worldwide. Our plans for the future are not limited to simply operating ATM machines and merchant services. Eventually, my managerial partners and I would like to become the brains behind tapping the remaining 70% of untapped electronic cash markets using cutting-edge and highly innovative ideas and products worthy of being tagged as 21st century banking and e-commerce trendsetters In the retrospect, I have to say that I am well versed in the languages of team and individual management. I am a skilled manager who can either run my own company, or develop a totally new company along with others who share my business visions. At Setra, I run a well oiled machine all by myself while at ACS, I learn to meet other managers halfway in order to achieve a greater success in the business venture.      

Critically Assess Marx’s Theory of Class and Stratification

Marx class theory derived from his belief that class divisions are not found in all forms of society; classes are a creation of history. For Marx, classes are defined and structured by firstly, who owns or has property and means of production and who does the work in the production process, secondly the social relationships included in work and labour, and thirdly who produces and who rules the surplus human social labour can produce. All of these aspects of Marx class theory will be further explored in this essay. Marx believed that class divisions are not found in all societies, classes are a creation of history. The earliest and smallest societies (tribal and primitive) were classless. It is universally true that all human beings depend on the quest of meeting their basic needs – food, water, shelter and clothing. In these primitive societies, the working day was taken up with required labour in order to meet society’s basic needs and forces of production were distributed equally amongst the community. But when basic needs are met, this leads to man’s creation of new needs, as humans are forever dissatisfied animals. Marx defines human beings as producers (Callinicos, A, p. 98, 1996). Humans seek to transform nature to enable them to meet their needs and do this through two different mode of production. The first ‘forces of production’ which depends on what Marx calls the ‘labour process’. ‘‘Labour is first of all a process between man and nature, a process by which man, though his own actions, mediates, regulates and controls the metabolism between himself and nature’’ (C I 283). The relations of production is the social aspect, which involves the property rights of the productive forces, it is what distinguishes the modes of production for one another. Improvements in the labour force are determined by if man is able to produce the same amount of things but with less human labour. By been able to produce more effectively, therefore meant man gains more control over nature. Thus the developments of the labour process are a reflection of human technology (Callinicos, A, p. 8, 1996) and Marx believed that the developments of science and technology in society provide a basis on which future societies can build upon. Although Marx never said in so many words what he meant by class, his theory lies on the statement that â€Å"the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. ’’ That once beyond primitive socities no labour can exist without means of production, which is who controls the direct producers. The central classes in capitalism are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Class divisions arise in society when the direct producers are separated from the means of production. The means of production, the bourgeoisie, become the monopoly of a minority and use exploitation and domination in relation to the producers, the proletariat. Marx looks at the working day in a class society and identies how capital exploits labour wage. During the first half of the day the worker produces goods in which he is paid to but during the second part of the day the worker performs surplus labour. Surplus labour is generated by how much labour time is left over after the employer has made back the equivalent of the cost of the wages of the labourer. The profit of this surplus labour is too small though to improve everyone’s standard of living, so it is taken by the minority who control the means of production. Marx decscribes four main types of class societies: Asiatic, ancient, feudal, and modern bourgeois, ‘‘the distinction between for example a society based on slave labour and a society based on wage labour – is the form in which this surplus labour is in each case exploited from the immediate producer, the worker’’ (C I 325). The practice of exploitation depends on the distribution of the means of production. In the case of slavery , it seems all the slaves labour is surplus labour , he is not permitted to any of his product. But the slave has to be kept alive in order to gain surplus power, therefore a proportion of the slaves wages is set aside to provide him his basic needs. In feudalism society, the peasant may have owned his animals and tools, but did not own the land he works on, therefore must divide his labour time between the work that needed to be done in order to provide for himself and his family and surplus labour for his lord. In both these mode of production, slavery and feudalism, exploitation is clearly visible and physical consequences are evident without question. However in capitalism exploitation is concealed. The worker is legally free, as he has volunteered to partake in the labour process. Marx wrote that workers are ‘‘ free in a double sense , free from the old relations of clientship, bondage and servitude, and secondly free of all belongings and possessions, and of every objective, material form of being, free of all property’’ (G 507). By not selling his labour power to the capitalist, the workers only other option is starvation. The means of production use economic pressures as a means of control over workers, not physical actions. Thus once the employer has employed the workers, he makes them work longer hours than necessary, creating surplus labour. In the case of feudalism, after centuries new methods of producing began to develop. But releasing these new methods worked against the ruling class–in the framework of the prior form of exploitation and the â€Å"legal and political superstructure† that had arisen out of it. This clash between the new opportunities and the structure of the previous order, was in severe crisis. Without new developments, the existing means of producing was not able to sustain any more development in the population, the Black Death followed, causing horrific events such as famines and disease and violence. The previous ways of shaping society and furthering the mode of production were brought to a halt. Marx foresaw that there could be revolution in society abolishing classes altogether. Then begins an epoch of social revolution,† , Marx wrote. Yet the ruling class were still dominating the workers, even though the mode of production had self-destructed. The ruling class dominates not only the way production is carried on, but all the other organizations and relations in society, whose structure aids the exploiters, control their power. As Marx explained, all class societies create a legal, political and ideological â€Å"superstructure† which functions to control the existing relations of production and guard the rulers from the ruled. But an important tool for the ruling class to persuade the working class is ideology– schemes of ideas that depict the recognized order as natural and positive to everyone, whatever its undeniable faults. Marx believed that the workers did not realise they were been exploited, had a false consciousness, mistaken sense that they could count on their employer. He believed that ideologies help sustain the ruling class, by giving misleading views to people about the world in order to exploit others about their position in society. It caused people to form mistaken views about the nature of society in order to keep the existing mode of production in action. Because the dominant or ruling class rules the social relations of production, the central ideology in capitalist society is that of the ruling class. Marx theory of class consciousness was an idea how to make members of a class aware that they have a common situation and interests and, moreover, are able to organize a collective defence of those interests (Elster, J, p128, Intro to Karl Marx). Marx saw that there were many logics why the proletariat would develop into a class that is conscious of its own status, power, obligations, and prospects. The objective condition of a class subsists because of its position in the productive process. Possession or non-possession of the means of production, place in the labour process, and the control over surplus regulate this. However a class such as the bourgeoisie or proletariat, may be unaware of this position, or in any case the effects of this position. Marx believed there would be a revolution, the workers would come together and rise up and fight to abolish the class system. Once everything had calmed down after the revolution, the proletariat would then own the means of production. He believed that no dominating class would exist and everything would be owned equally amongst society. He thought that if the working class were to take control of the means of production, they would inspire social relations that would help everyone proportionately, and an organization of production less at risk to repeated crises. Overall, Marx believed that nonviolent compromise of this issue was unrealistic, and prearranged and violent revolution would be necessary, because the dominating class would not surrender control without a fight. He speculated that in order to secure the socialist system, a dictatorship of the proletariat must be generated on a provisional foundation. Marx’s forethought of a revolution did not come true. As societies developed and expanded, the working classes grew to be more educated, obtaining detailed job skills and accomplishing the type of financial welfare that Marx never thought achievable.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Financial Planner Essay

Among the many career fields to choose from, I’d like to pursue one in the financial planning industry. A financial planner’s job is diverse and could be in areas like management of cash flow, investment and retirement planning, tax and estate planning, insurance and risk management planning, among others. There are also job opportunities outside personal planning that provides more financial rewards. I believe this job to be interesting, challenging and beneficial to people. This isn’t like other jobs wherein you’re only there to perform a task — sometimes without knowing the end result or the product of your efforts. As a financial planner, a person is able to help other people in more significantly, even in a life-changing manner. It’s a fact that many people have great ideas and good intentions regarding their finances, but few have the willpower and the right know-how to execute their plans. That’s where I see myself helping. I’d like to see people to be more financially stable and create for themselves a nest egg for their future. People should be aware of financial planning at an early age. The earlier a person starts setting aside part of his income for a financial plan, the more secure is his future going to be. Another reason why I’d like to have a career in this field is because I get stimulated when dealing with numbers. Crafting plans after studying pages of figures and mathematical formulas is something that does not daunt me. According to journals and news articles that have been published regarding the financial planning field, the demand for financial planners are rising globally as more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of having tailored financial plans for themselves. Over the years, financial planners have gradually, but consistently, created a niche for themselves in the market. There are several factors that have contributed to the upswing of demand for financial planners. In the earlier years, people were happy with social security benefits and old age Planner 2 pensions provided by the government. But years later, people’s outlook has shifted and the idea of being more comfortable and secure in old age have dominated the minds not just of those who are near retirement but even those who are still relatively young. Awareness among young professionals is seen to continue within the next decade, making it reasonably safe to assume that demand for financial programs and financial planners will continue. Another reason why the financial planning business has risen is caused by uncertainties in the stock markets. People are now opting to seek professional advice, before investing in a particular bond or stock. There is also a growing demand for financial planners outside the personal planning arena. Financial planners have found themselves becoming more and more necessary in banks and other financial institutions. Their expertise is needed in determining risks involved in investment vehicles. The pay scale and benefits that a certified financial planner receives differ from company to company, experience, and type of certification. A person who holds a position in higher management, like a vice president or portfolio manager, will earn a six-digit figure. Likewise, a person who’s been a financial planner for more than twenty years will also receive a six-digit salary. Entry-level compensation is often in the range of $30,000 to $40,000. The banking industry and other financial institutions’ salaries are often higher compared to other industries. For instance, a job posting for a financial advisor in Connecticut offers an annual income of $50,000 to $80,000. Another example is an ad for looking for financial planning director, which offers at least $150,000 annual income. But what’s more attractive about being a financial planner is the opportunity to earn more than your basic salary. Commissions and incentives are given for every transaction. A person’s overall income is often measured by how well he networks and sells financial products.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Debussy and Orientalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Debussy and Orientalism - Essay Example This essay "Debussy and Orientalism" outlines the life of the Debussy and his impact on the music of the 20th century. In the midpoint of his career was the last years of the 19th century were he released the three nocturnes, which was sharply contrasting with Wagnerian opera. After ten years of work, his Pelleas te Melisande proved to be his only complete opera which was based on a play by Maurice Maeterlinck, it was an instant hit and it influenced many young composers such as Maurice Ravel, his works brought to new rhythm and fluidity and color that had been retrospectively absent in western composition. In the La mer Essays, between 1903 to 1905, the music had a more philharmonic format with an ending whose subjects were borrowed from the initial thought to the intermediate period. According to his critics, this was seen as a less subtle step in his progress, to some it was even perceived as negative. True to his pupil perchance for trying new things and gravitating from the conv entional, he let himself be influenced by a new type of music in the west that most modern composers would rather have kept from their scores. This was Javanese gamelan; an oriental style that he found to be both appealing and intriguing. The orchestra, which composed bells gongs and percussions, mesmerized him so much that his style noticeably changed as he implemented parts of this composition in his later music. He did not refer to the gamelan scales or ensemble; however, his sensitive and refined melodies were overtly achieved with the application of oriental exotic scales.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Its a Job Application Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Its a Job Application Paper - Essay Example Having acquired substantial professional insight through the experience and observation gained in my clinical placements, I have been able to observe that this leads to improved outcomes. My Nursing Bachelor degree has given me an outstanding knowledge of conventional nursing practices, caring values and latest technology. Throughout my clinical placements, I learned a variety of nursing skills in the profession, while developing the capacity to think and learn practically. I have also been able to expand knowledge in an array of practice settings and have been trained in clinical reasoning and problem-solving. As a dedicated nurse, devoted to working in the demanding career, working at there would develop active participation that call for critical thinking, patience and organizational skills that are prerequisites in delivering a perfect job in every healthcare center. Based on the its mission statement â€Å"To be the top provider of primary and specialized tertiary care, accompany by an appropriate array of inpatient, outpatient and outreach services that improve health and meet community needs,† as a graduate nurse, it can be credible to learn and participate in the nursing programs presented at the medical center that will advance and build my nursing skills. The busy medical center would increase proficiency and efficiency in giving my services in diverse experiences within my scholarly career. Some of the services given at medical center of vast importance in my professional development and career includes Ortho and Spine, level 1 trauma care, Neurosciences, Rehabilitation, Cancer Therapy, Urology, Psychiatric services, Gastroenterology, wound and broad stroke centers correspondingly. The supposed weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities gained after would increase the ability to convey my skills in different departments in the nursing career. As an active youth with the interest, I will be of vast importance at the medical

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Political science - Essay Example In this essay, some major changes that have occurred in international relations since 1900 shall be reviewed. In the era of 1914s, there arose a phenomenon that came to be known as the Problem of Sovereignty and Great Power System. Sheehan (2006) explains that sovereignty concerns its self with the ideology that â€Å"political power is distinct from other organizations in the community—religious, familial, economic.† Further on, â€Å"sovereignty asserts that this public authority is preeminent and autonomous, that is, superior to institutions within the community and independent from those outside† (Sheehan, 2006). Before the 1914s, various nations of the world who were supposedly known as the world’s super-powers ventured into what came to be known as colonization. Colonization involved talking political dominion over another nation. However in the periods of 1914s, most nations who were colonized began fighting for common course of freedom to attain sovereignty and power over their own system of governance. The actors involved here were colonial masters and t heir colonized countries. Most colonial masters did not welcome the quest for sovereignty in good faith and there were reports of wars in most parts of the world. However as the demands began pressing, foreign treaties were signed to grant freedom to the pressing countries. The Problem of Sovereignty and the Great Power System was therefore a period of hostility among international relationships between colonies and colonial masters. The eventual sovereignties that were granted led to economic crises in most parts of the world as the colonial masters were no longer getting supply of free trade and payment of tax from their colonies. Economic retardation was therefore the global challenge that characterized the Problem of Sovereignty and the Great Power System. The middle of the twentieth century saw a new trend in international relation that

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Person Who Has Made Some Contribution to Mathematics Essay

A Person Who Has Made Some Contribution to Mathematics - Essay Example Moreover, a large number of the discoveries made by these prominent mathematicians have a basis in the medicine, technologies, and science that are currently common place (Hazewinkel 8). All in all, there are some recognized individuals who have made significant contributions to mathematics and their names cannot be disregarded. One of these significant people is Pythagoras. This paper will look at Pythagoras as an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of mathematics. Pythagoras made leading contributions to religious and philosophical teachings in the final period of the 6th century BC. Pythagoras is frequently venerated as a great mystic, mathematician, and scientist. Also, he is largely associated with the Pythagorean Theorem which was named after him. Nevertheless, because obfuscation and legend obscure his work even more than that of the other philosophers who existed during the pre-Socratic period, individuals are only compelled to only provide specula tive accounts of his instructions, and a number of people have questioned if made much contribution to natural philosophy and mathematics. It may be argued that a large composition of the achievements credited to Pythagoras may in reality have been achievements of his successors and colleagues. In addition, whether or not his followers believed that everything was connected to mathematics and that numbers were the definitive reality is not known. It has also been asserted that Pythagoras was the first person to refer to himself as a philosopher. A philosopher refers to an individual who loves wisdom. It has also been argued that his notions employed a marked inspiration on Plato, and through him, the entire philosophy in the West. Additionally, Pythagoras was very properly educated (Malone 22). He was also inspired by several philosophers while he was a child. The most significant philosophers who inspired him include Thales and Pherekydes. Thales was the one who introduced him to m athematical concepts. Pythagoras became interested in cosmology, astronomy, and math because of Thales. Pythagoras was fascinated by all concepts of mathematics. Pythagoras was captivated by numbers and the concept of numbers. He developed a theory which asserted that every relation would be decreased to some form of number. In addition, he developed a theory on scales and ratios being created with the reverberation of vibrating strings. His ideas made a tremendous contribution to the music theory. Moreover, Pythagoras researched numerous different forms of numbers, for example, perfect squares, odd numbers, and triangles. He supposed that every number was unique and different and contained its own individual characteristic. For instance, it may be argued that ten is the most suitable number because it has four successive integers, that is, 1+2+3+4=10. However, the most tremendous contribution made by Pythagoras to the field of mathematics in the current period is Pythagoras theorem . Pythagoras has always been given credit for developing the Pythagoras theorem since the 4th century AD. The Pythagoras theorem is a theorem in geometry which explains that in all right-angled triangles the area of the square on the side opposite the right angle is equivalent to the aggregate of the squares of the other two sides. While the Pythagoras theorem was previously known and employed by the Indians and Babylonians, he or his apprentices, are frequently said to have developed the foremost evidence (Hermann 76). Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that the manner in which the Indians and Babylonians dealt with Pythagorean numbers indicates that they were aware that the idea was, in general, valid, and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Cruise lines Carnival vs Royal Carribean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cruise lines Carnival vs Royal Carribean - Essay Example Carnival’s reputation has evolved from being associated with the young party crowd to being the â€Å"Fun Ships† with a less formal ambience and greatly improved quality that is now appealing to cruisers of all ages. â€Å"The world's largest cruise line's humble origins pigeonholed it as the cruise industry's version of a floating fraternity party for a long, long time. But that's yesterday, and while Carnival still commands a certain reputation for a flashy, neon-esque atmosphere, and by no means stints on elaborate lounges and discos, its ships continue to evolve† ( Carnival’s food, entertainment, and amenities have all improved dramatically, as have the size and technological features of the ships that comprise its fleet. Royal Caribbean has a reputation as an active cruise line that has a lot to offer for sports enthusiasts, with the largest ships on the seas offering options such as rock climbing and skating facilities. The cruise line is known for consistently high quality that has not changed over the years. â€Å"Across the board, food is amazingly consistent and well-prepared—from the dining room to the buffet to the 24-hour room service—especially considering the capacity of the ships† ( Royal Caribbean has received kudos for offering free equipment rental for use in its sporting facilities. The rivalry between these two cruise lines is intense, and has largely driven the cutting edge developments in their ships and services. One is continually trying to upstage the other with announcements of new vessels being developed or put into commission that are the largest known. This battle to be have biggest ships has thus far been won by Royal Caribbean. "One of Royal Caribbean's best tricks has been to repeatedly announce, build and sail the biggest cruise ship in the world. In fact, they relish announcing such a new ship will be built usually the same week as Carnival announces it has just launched its biggest vessel ever. For instance, at almost exactly the same time Carnival floated out the first post 100,000-ton cruise ship ever, Royal Caribbean trounced the publicity by announcing they would build one of nearly 140,000 tons." ( The ability of Royal Caribbean to maintain its competitive edge as far as the size of its vessels has enabled it to be the leading carrier by volume of passengers. This dominant market position comes despite Carnival's claim to the most cruise ships afloat. Carnival Cruise Line's parent company, Carnival Corp., when accounting for all of its subsidiaries, "carries one in four passengers today on no fewer than 79 ships" ( Obviously, the two companies are the dominant players that set the tone for the entire industry, and might be likened to Coca Cola and Pepsi in the beverage industry, or MacDonald's and Burger King in the fast food industry. In terms of wide appeal to various interests, Carnival arguably wins. According to, "it is hard to compete with Carnival's ability to establish and embellish a simple concept; build fun ships with good food, and make sure the staff understands the concept. Royal Caribbean may have many more things to do onboard, but Carnival may be arguably 'more fun' based solely upon their attitude. Where Royal Caribbean

Multiphoton Excitation for organic complex Essay

Multiphoton Excitation for organic complex - Essay Example wo photon absorption active; but, it is not guaranteed that they will exhibit interesting and useful three photon absorption properties such as frequency up-converted lasing [10]. Based on this reason, our University Department of Chemistry Prof Ricky Wong Man Shing and his student Dr.Xin Jiang Feng have developed and synthesized a new set of organic complexes p-PhN-OF(n)-TAZ n = 2 to 6 from deep investigation and collection of fundamental information and applications such as multi-photon properties and multi-photon cavityless lasing etc. The most important aspect is that it can let us explore and understand the more Physics behind the discovery. In this chapter, am going to analyse the use of p-PhN-OF(n)-TAZ series for a set of nonlinear optical experiments to verify the multi-photon properties. The p-PhN-OF(n)-TAZ series are type of D-ï  °-A using oligofluorenes (OF) as a ï  ° conjugated core end capped in which D is the end capped with the electron – donating diphenylam ino group and the unconventionally employed electron-deficient 1,2,4-triazole (TAZ) derivates as an acceptor designed and synthesized for multiphoton absorption investigation [10]. The electron was pushed from Donor (D) to pull side of Acceptor (A) in the ï  °- conjugation system which is called intramolecular charge transfer. In addition, the size of length of conjugation is related to enhance the cross section value of two-photon absorption and three-photon absorption [11]. Unless, the value of cross section is reach to saturation level. Under fig 4.1, the linear absorption spectra of the organic materials p-PhN-OF(n)-TAZ series (n = 2 ~ 6) was dissolved in Toluene solution, the series exhibits the two absorption peaks characteristics. The weak absorption peak appears around 300-310 nm attributed to the nï‚ ®Ã¯  °* transition of triarylamine moieties and the broad absorption band spanning from 378-415 nm corresponds to the ï  °Ã¯â€š ®Ã¯  °* transition of fluorene-based ï  °-conjugated core. The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MPH502 - Introduction to Public Health Module 5 - Case Essay

MPH502 - Introduction to Public Health Module 5 - Case - Essay Example 4.2 million births per year) which results in high infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate (WHO). The increasing birth rate is primarily associated with less educational facilities and religious matters. The health disparities that exist within the country are mainly due to the educational, health, social, economic differences between rural and urban areas. Malaria, tuberculosis, Diarrhea, measles and tetanus are also major health concerns of the government. Hepatitis is also posing a great threat to the health of population. Â ¼ of the total population in Pakistan are obese and have chronic problems (Tauqeer et al.). These health problems and others are basically related to the educational, social and economic conditions of the country. People in Pakistan, do not get much education on vaccines and health checkups on regular basis. The unavailability of education and health services is posing a threat to the health situation of Pakistan. Hygiene is one of the major issues that is worsening the health condition in Pakistan. About eighty percent of the prevailing diseases like diarrhea, malaria, typhoid etc. are due to poor sanitary conditions, unavailability of purified drinking water and cleanliness facilities. The following chart defines the health priorities that require immediate consideration and call for an action by the Government, local authorities and general public. These issues are prioritized on the basis of mortality rates by those issues. The figures are taken from Death and DALY estimates by cause (2002). There is a need to improve the current trends of death rates by resolving the life risking health issues. Since, it has been observed that the major concerns include but are not limited to cleanliness facilities, health disparities on the basis of social, economic and educational differences and high birthrate risking the life of child and mother both. The basic need is to call for an

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

Personal Statement Example During that time, I had to adjust to the local culture. This of course threw up its fair share of challenges, but I was determined to succeed. I preserved through many language courses and made a concerted effort to speak Japanese whenever I had the chance to converse with the locals. I did not think at that time that learning Japanese would give me a leg up in life, but later on I got a job working at a Japanese restaurant. My knowledge of Japanese helped to convince my boss to give me the job over the other candidates. 3. The most significant challenge that I have faced was when I decided to study abroad. This was a new experience for me because I had never traveled overseas by myself before. When I arrived, I did not know anyone and could not fit into the local culture the way that I wanted to. I did not understand the language and the cultural customs were foreign to me. I overcame these obstacles by trying to adopt a Japanese way of life and keep an open mind, which allowed me to take many things onboard. 4. I have made my community a better place to live by volunteering for a couple of local soup kitchens. My motivation for participating in these activities at the beginning was simply to get a good reference for my resume, but after seeing the faces and hearing of the lives of some of the people who come into soup kitchens, I have realized that what I do cannot be measured because it is not really tangible. 5. I have witnessed many types of discrimination, but one experience that stands out in my mind is when I helped out an old black woman who was not being served at a soup kitchen. Some of the other servers were busy, but there were a few who were available but just did not see her or did not want to see her. I went over and helped reassure her that she was in the right place. 6. I want to receive an education that allows me to pursue my work goals in the long term. I will work

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gender identity Essay Example for Free

Gender identity Essay Gender identity is a term which is used to refer to a person as a female or a male. It is the personal conception of a person of either being a male or a female while in rare circumstances one may manifest both the female and male characteristics. Gender identity is usually defined by a person depending on how such a person feels concerning his identity in terms of gender. Gender identity is different from gender role in that while gender identity refers to an individual’s feeling’s about his or her gender, gender roles are usually defined by the society and they are based on the physical appearance of a person as well as behavior of a person. As such, gender roles serves as outward expressions of a person’s gender identity. A person who claims to be a male for example must exhibit male behaviors in deed, dressing and also his behavior. Normally, gender and sex are always used interchangeably although scientifically and medically they are different words which are not even synonyms (Ghosh, n. d). Influence of hormone and behavior interaction on determination of gender identity The interaction between the behavior of a person and their hormonal composition is the most complex ideology of gender identity especially because it is difficult to truly ascertain that hormones directly influence the behaviors of an individual. However, there exists a relationship behind the two components of gender determination with this relationship having a reciprocal form. Presence of high levels of certain hormones in a person may influence or lead to certain behaviors while some behaviors may also lead to changes in the hormonal composition of an individual thus affecting their gender identity (Litosseliti Sunderland, 2002). Gender development of a child begins before he or she is born, that is, gender identity matures even before a child is born. After birth, the gender identity of an individual is determined by psychological, biological and sociological factors. Male and females have different hormones which affect the development of a person thus affecting or influencing the gender identity. In males, testosterone is the dominant hormone which leads to the development of male organs in a person. Testosterone is responsible for the development of major features found in males which included breaking of the voice, development of the genital organs and it also governs the distribution of fats in a person. On the other hand, estrogen is the dominant hormone in female which leads in development of feminine characteristics in females. This hormone aids in breast formation, formation of sexual organs and it also aids in development of other features common with the females like fat distribution in the body. These hormones also determines how a person behaves whether as a male or as a female. The behaviors of a person are also indicators of the gender identity of a person (Wolfe Mash, 2005). Some of the major determinants of gender identity are the hormones and the behaviors. Usually, hormones are the ones which influence the behavior of a person. People with more concentration of testosterone are more masculine while those with high levels of estrogen are more feminine. Testosterone and estrogen hormones are responsible for the sexual behavior of an individual which determines the sexual orientation of an individual. Interaction between the hormones and the behavior of an individual determines or influences to a great extent the gender identity of a person. Children reared in a neutral environment learn from an early age what are the acceptable roles and behaviors of the two different genders. As the hormones of a person correlate with the acceptable behavior of a certain gender, a person forms an idea of his or her gender identity. Also, at very tender age, parents also play a major role in shaping the behavior of a child. Parents usually buy cars and balls for the boys while girls are bought for baby dolls and other feminine toys. The behavior that the children are taught by the society determines how a person identifies himself or herself in terms of gender. Consistency in behavior may influence a person’s gender by influencing hormones release to the body. However, hormones also play a major role in formation of gender identity. Males with higher female hormones tend to behave like the ladies and may often wish to be a woman which forms his gender identity. This is also the case with females who find themselves interested in male activities. They exhibit behaviors similar to that of the males which is as a result to hormonal composition of such a person. When the hormones interact with the behavior of a person, such an individual is able to determine his or her gender identity (Jacobs, Thomas Lang, 1997). Psychological factors also affect gender identity of a person. It is believed that all persons are born with some intrinsic level of testosterone that is whether male and female. However, the level of this hormone varies from individuals and is usually exhibited through such behaviors as dominance. Testosterone hormone is directly and positively correlated to dominance and this affects the gender identity of an individual. All persons who are higher in the rank have an innate urge to dominate while those who are lower in the rank are less dominating. This is a psychological aspect and it also contributes to how a person views herself or himself in terms of gender. Ladies or women who are higher in the rank may exhibit male characteristics which may form their gender identity. Likewise, men who are lower in rank tend to behave more like women which influences their gender identity (Lee, 2005). Environmental factors are also contributors while forming our gender identity. The environment in which a person is reared in determines or influences his gender identity formation. The treatment one gets from different gender groups shapes his or her gender identity. In an environment characterized by clearly defined gender roles for the males and the females, people are likely to identify with either of the genders mostly through association and task performance. In a neutral community or society, gender identity tends to be more influenced by personal interaction and hormonal composition rather than environmental forces. Biological composition of a person also greatly influences the gender identity of a person. Unlike the psychological and environmental factors, biological influences are innate which a person is born with. The biological factors influencing gender formation cannot be influenced by the environment in which a person is reared though they may lead to discomfort especially when the outside pressure is more on a person. It is believed that the gender of a person is determined during prenatal development and as such it is a biological condition. Genes of a person determines his gender identity which cannot be reversed especially when these genes are very strong (Sonderegger Anastasi, 1984). In gender identity determination, the biological influence is stronger than all other influences. Most of males who have feminine characteristics being dominant continue to behave like women despite their environment or psychological exposure. This also applies to women who are more masculine than feminine. Usually, such people end up looking for sex re-alignment to transform them to the different sex. Also, a person who is has different sex characteristics as being dominant in them always feel uncomfortable while identifying with the gender the society view them to belong to. As such, biological influence is much stronger than all other influences while defining the gender identity of a person (Ehrhardt Meyer-Bahlburg, 1981). Reference: CREWS, D. WILLIAMS, E. E. (n. d): Hormones, Behavior, and Speciation. Retrieved on 7th April 2009 from, http://icb. oxfordjournals. org/cgi/content/abstract/17/1/271 Ehrhardt A. A Meyer-Bahlburg, H. F. (1981): Effects of prenatal sex hormones on gender-related behavior. Journal of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol 211 Ghosh, S. (n. d): Sexuality: Gender Identity. Retrieved on 7th April 2009 from, http://emedicine. medscape. com/article/917990-overview. Jacobs, S. , Thomas, W. Lang, S. (1997): Two-spirit people: Native American gender identity, sexuality, and spirituality. ISBN 0252066456, Published by University of Illinois Press Lee, J. W. (2005): Psychology of gender identity. ISBN 1594542147, Published by Nova Publishers Litosseliti, L. Sunderland, J. (2002): Gender identity discourse analysis. ISBN 902722692X, Published by John Benjamins Publishing Company Sonderegger, T. B. Anastasi, A. (1984): Psychology and gender. ISBN 0803241526 Published by U of Nebraska Press Wolfe, D. A. Mash, E. J. (2005): Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents: nature, assessment, and treatment. ISBN 1593852258, Published by Guilford Press

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Adventure Travel In India Market Study Tourism Essay

Adventure Travel In India Market Study Tourism Essay Adventure sports have seen a tremendous growth is the last six to seven years and the future looks very bright. The government is also doing its bit in order to promote adventure tourism in India. The Indian tourism industry has a lot of myriad players who want to latch on the opportunities that beckon in this field of the industry. But the industry and its players continue to be a house of disorder. This paper looks into the clear and present opportunity that lies ahead of the Indian Tourism Industry in the form of Adventure Travel, and analysis the various aspects that need to be kept in mind as the investors go out in search for the suitable customers to cash in on this multimillion dollar cheque. INTRODUCTION A man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore, were the words of the famous French noble laureate Andre Gide and the increasing demand for the adventure sports indicates that people have entered the 21st century with renewed courage to find enjoyment in the thrills of the adventure filled outdoor activities. Thus, it can be seen like leisure tourism, adventure sports is becoming an integral determinant behind the tourism dynamics. As a subject for academic analysis, tourism can be said has reached a stage of relative maturity. A casual review of journals serving the subject area reveals a number that have been in existence for over 25 years (e.g., Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research), with the Journal of Travel Research publishing its 45th annual volume in 2007. Similarly, the range of journals reveals the diversity of issues considered (e.g., Tourism Geographies, Tourism Economics, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing). With the evident relative lack of research in the area of Adventure Sports Tourism, it would be sensible to turn to research in the area of promoting the various disciplines of adventure sports by integrating it with operations of tourism management. This research will look into the increasing demand for the adventure sports, breaking with the cultural and geographical conformism of conventional holidays and trips, and will analyse the potential for it to tap effectively. OBJECTIVE Research in the field of sports tourism has burgeoned over the last decade. In a study conducted by a renowned publication, unsurprisingly, the most studied activity was major event sports tourism like Olympics, World Cups, etc.(40% of articles), with outdoor and adventure sports tourism (29%) and skiing and winter sports (15%) being the other two significant areas.1 This being a clear indication of the increasing demand for the adventure sports, the objective of this paper will be to study the feasibility of marketing, conducting and benefitting from such events specifically in India. This market study will broadly consist of two parts which will help the readers decide the readiness and the viability of the adventure sports market. Part-1 discusses the concepts and approaches that might inform an analysis of adventure sports in Indian market. And part-2 will conduct a critical evaluation and the determining factors of investing in this area of business. If youre not living on the edge, youre taking up too much space.Overall, the reader should after considering a personal perspective should be able to determine the likely success of new product or service ideas. PART 1 THE SERVICE Landscape and topography of India lends itself to variety of Adventure Sports activities. Not many people would agree, due to its unexplored avenues, that India is a place where one can indulge in numerous adventure activities, if not all. Definition of adventure is different for different person and best thing about adventure tourism in India is that it provides adventure sports ranging from soft adventure to active and extreme adventure. Soft adventures are ideal for family and kids and require very little or no skill and experience. Extreme adventure in India can be physically and mentally demanding and require good experience. The service which is being discussed here has two aspects to it one being the tourism in India and the other being the adventure sports. These two complement each other in the way that for a customer the need for one of the above may often lead to the demand for the other. For e.g. for someone visiting Manali, in the Northern part of India for a Holiday, a chance visit to the snow capped Rohtang Pass may encourage the trying of skiing which is promoted in the area. Thus it makes sense to look into both of these aspects individually to get a holistic view of the service being provided i.e. Adventure Travel. TOURISM Tourism for long has promised to be a sunrise industry for India. India is blessed with a vast range of practically everything that a successful tourism offer needs from mountains to rivers to history to religion and culture. The economic and political case for investments is also politically attractive. Tourism promises an inflow of hard currency and at the same time also promotes goodwill. It creates demand for a variety of industries like transports, hotels, handicrafts, entertainment and so on. With improved tourism in India the overall quality of life is sure to improve over a period of time. And yet India seems to be remarkably lethargic in making money out of tourism. The situation is rather pitiable and the following statistics emphasise that fact: Indias share of global tourism market 0.67% Number of tourists visiting India 2.6 million against Chinas 37 million. In terms of tourism revenues as share of GDP Indias Rank is 124th The spirit, cohesiveness, and vision that have spurred India to the top of the heap in diverse industries is lacking in this sector. The absence of integrated vision is compounded by a lack of initiative and tardiness in implementing policies. In a study conducted on Indian Tourism, it has been stated that, while there exists an ability to invest there also exists an equal degree of unwillingness to break away from the beaten path and take risks. The country is sitting on a virtual goldmine with a wealth of sights cultural exuberance, diversity of terrain and that special something that only India can deliver. Tourism has the potential to do something bigger than what IT has done for India. Priority should be given for development of tourist infrastructure in selected areas of tourist importance and for those products which are considered to be in demand in the existing and future markets so that limited resources are put to the best use ADVENTURE SPORTS IIndia, one of the most enchanting, incomparable and invigorating travel destinations all over the world, is a true treasure trove for the adventure enthusiasts. India has all the perfect ingredients that enchant its tourists with real fun and excitement. WATER The Himalayas offer you some of the toughest and most exciting river runs in the world. River sports in the rapids are the most popular, throughout the summers and can really get your adrenaline pumping. White Water Rafting, Kayaking, Snorkelling or Scuba Diving if there is a concept of water sport in Adventure you can find it in this country. TREKKING Source : World Tourism Organisation WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO?You can trek for one day or one month; backpack all your gear and wonder off in the wild or stroll comfortably with just a shoulder bag, water and camera whilst animals transport your camping gear, heavy baggage and logistic loads. You may set a challenging pace and go over difficult grades and high passes or just amble along, enjoying the wild nature, magnificent scenery, uncomplicated lives of people staying close to nature, stopping when you please, chatting with your companions, forging new relationships and hoarding a fund of fascinating memories to cherish. More extreme ways of trekking are Rock Climbing and Mountaineering. Rock Climbing as a sport it took off only about 15 years ago. Rock climbing uses a minimum of aids and the challenge is to find the toughest route and scale in the least possible time. The availability of good climbing rocks not too far from the city gets greater access and participation from professionals as well as from the amateurs alike. Mountaineering takes place at biggest adventure playground in the world -the Himalayas. Mountaineering is a serious activity undertaken with the primary goal of reaching a mountains summit. It requires a high degree of fitness and experience. Due to its high equipment costs and complexity, it is mostly taken up by foreign tourist coming to India. Himalaya promises every climber their share of adventure, which lures them to the mountains. AERO Experience Just like on the land, there are various adventure opportunities in the air too. Man has for times immemorial, longed to glide and soar like a bird in the sky. Parasailing and Paragliding are indeed, experiences which combine the wonder of smooth sailing in the air and the thrill of soaring high. Once in the air, you experience the ethereal serenity of the sport. It is an experience that is, surprisingly, thrilling as well as becalming. Other Activities Other extreme sports include the likes of skiing which is seasonal in nature and can be only carried out during the winters. Another very popular activity is bungee jumping which can be carried out even in the urban areas with the help of the required infrastructure. The potential MARKET AREAS Popular Destinations HIMACHAL PRADESH Himachal Pradesh is a complex mosaic of hills, lush green valleys and snow-covered peaks. The name itself originates from the ancient Sanskrit hima (snow) and achal (that which cannot be moved). This land of fascination and mystery with its age-old culture kindles deep interest and commands respect. It is replete with dense forests, fast-flowing rivers, terraced fields, snow-covered mountains, small fairyland villages and friendly folk all adding to its charm! Himachal Pradesh is also a treasure trove of ancient arts and crafts and rich traditions. PROs Established tourism Infrastructure like Hotels etc. Abundance of natural resources for conducting activities. Excellent govt. Support in setting up of new ventures. Trained Human resources available. CONs Market filled with unstructured profit making activities. Overcrowding of popular tourist centres. Local resistance present will affect the business. Many areas inaccessible. GOA Goa is a paradise for water sports lovers and has always appealed beach enthusiast and water sports lovers. The long coastal stretches offer loads of opportunities to indulge in all sorts of water-sport activities and also to try on some new watery excitement. Surf the seas or float across the skies, the options of sport enjoyment is never ending in Goa. One can never get tired of scuba diving into the wreckage of the colonial ships. The para-gliding, para-sailing, acquatics sports, water-skiing and wind surfing will be completely thrilling. Source: Ministry of Tourism, GOI PROs 105km of coastline provides ample opportunity for implementing innovative ideas. As shown above, Goa has the largest turnover of tourists in India. Easy accessibility with good road and rail transport and fully functional Intl Airport. CONs Lack of law and order. Poor transport facilities within Goa. Untrained hospitality staff. High costs due to black marketing. Untapped Destinations North-East Region The rich natural beauty, serenity and exotic flora and fauna of the area are invaluable resources for the development of ecotourism. The region is endowed with diverse tourist attractions and each State has its own distinct features. North East India presents some very outstanding and challenging adventure sports in India for the adventure enthusiasts coming from all over. PROs Untapped Market. Ideal Terrain for adventure sports. Readily available human resource which can be trained according to the needs. Government of India attaches great importance to the development of tourist infrastructure in the North Eastern region in view of its immense tourism potential. CONs Lack of infrastructure. Climatic extremities are hard to overcome in some regions. Social unrest can be disturbing. ANDAMAN NICOBAR Islands This UT does not have any other competitive advantage that comes even remotely close to tourism, because of the beauty and abundance of its natural resources. Theres tremendous scope for adventure sports, scuba diving snorkeling, swimming, sun-bathing, trekking and just soaking in nature at its most beautiful. However, till now, in the absence of a specifically stated tourism policy and a strategic implementation plan, and any gains accruing are more through serendipity rather than conscious effort. PROs Popular amongst both local and international tourists. Tourism is the main stay of the region, thus all the development is centred towards the infrastructure for tourists activities. Easy availability of human resources. CONs Not an accessible region as travelling from mainland takes lots of time and money. Dearth of basic infrastructure in areas except for the capital Port Blair. Thus the analysis of the various regions indicates that Indian Tourism has loads of untapped potential. Evident lack of policy or vision from the government has resulted in its inability to scale up infrastructure. If that is taken care of there can a surge in the number of tourist indulging in adventure travel. TARGET CUSTOMERS Over the last ten years, India has witnessed substantial changes in its leisure and travel choices and demands. This can be attributed to the rapidly growing economy, supported by globalisation and privatisation, which has lead to increased spending power and greater leisure time. Now, instead of spending a holiday being herded around in a tour bus, the sophisticated Indian traveller wants experience-oriented vacations. This has made adventure tourism a particularly exciting field to be in. According to Pranav Kukreti, Director, Marketing, of Treks n Rapids, The psychology of the modern Indian traveller has changed completely. Gone are the days when they were happy with simply staying in a resort in Shimla or Nainital. Now, they want excitement and adventure, The tourism industry fetches two million adventure tourists and is growing at over 35 per cent annually. It is estimated that India has the potential to attract another half a million foreign adventure tourists. The domestic market is also set to see a ten-fold growth in the next five years. This rise can be majorly attributed to the changing consumer behaviour of the urban population. It will be appropriate to divide the study of the customers into Domestic and International. Domestic The key socio-economic trends which have contributed to the increase in demand of the adventure sports can be listed as follows: Middle Class The size of the middle class families have stated shrinking with growing industrialization, while their pockets have grown bigger and bigger. With the adoption of concept of nuclear families the size of the families has gone down from 8-4 and 4-2. The leisure time that the members of the family get to spend together is preferably spent on quality holidays. Thus, adventure travel offers an excellent opportunity for the people to make their kids have fun while they rejuvenate themselves from the maddening office schedules. Urban Youth Youths have always had a strong urge to be non-conformist, and this behaviour is evident in their spending decisions too. Now with this urge being supported by ample spending power, Indian youth is raring to enjoy the thrills of adventure sports. Jawaharlal Nehru had talked about Indias Tryst with Destiny at the stroke of midnight hour, Indias latest tryst with destiny, BPO, is equally connected to the midnight hour. This tryst is also about independence: the independence of the Indian youth. To the delight of the marketers, the youth market theyve been chasing all these years finally has a credit card with no supervised spending limit. Corporate Promoted Activities Another windfall for the industry has been created by the corporate sector with almost 70 per cent of the demand for adventure tours originating from here. Tour operators have special two to three day packages for corporate teams. The idea here is to link sports with skills like time and stress management or working under pressure. The exercise is meant to rejuvenate as well as re-skill. Data of Foreign Travellers Source: MoT, GOI, Annual Report Adventurous Kids The kids at present have more self-sufficiency and influencing power in the family. They are well networked (read social networking), well informed and social. The ability of the kids to nag their affluent in making them purchase stuff for them is known as pester power. This pester power is also enabling them to undertake various school trips and adventure camps where they enjoy with their individual social groups. INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS India is emerging very strongly as a brand. With the inquisitiveness about India rising all over the world, more and more foreign tourists are coming to India to experience its vibrant cultures. But while they visit the popular destination it can be a good value addition for their trip if they can be offered an experience of river rafting in the rapids of the Ganges or a paragliding experience may accompany their sun tanning on beaches of the Goa. The foreign tourists have high spending power and if the infrastructure and quality adventure sports facilities are available to their discretion, the promoters can be rest assured of a significant contribution to their balance sheets in dollars. The global meltdown combined with the Mumbai attacks have spelt disaster for the tourism industry with foreign tourist arrivals dropping by 2.1% and foreign exchange earnings down by 12.5%.   Reeling from these statistics, the tourism ministry is considering several sops for the hospitality and travel industry. Amongst these include offering free air travel and accommodation to foreign tourists who visit India for the third time. This move, if approved, will mean encouraging genuine Indophiles and is in line with our effort to encourage repeat travellers, an official from the Ministry of Tourism said while addressing the media. Indicating the Significant growth of the middle class Increasing Spending Power of the Domestic Market PART 2 Now that we have looked into the various characteristics of the adventure travel in India, it will be propitious to look into the various profitability and marketability aspects related to the business of Adventure Travel. Considering Adventure Travel to be a brand, the marketing mix (given in terms of 4Ps by Philip Kotler) of brand Adventure Travel can be: Product Adventure travel should position itself as one of the competitive alternatives when it comes to attracting tourists. Marketing adventure travel needs special focus on influencing the psychology of the perspective customers by influencing them with its core competencies of thrill and adrenaline rush. A synergic attitude between the government agencies and the private parties can take the quality of adventure sports to a world class level and promote a surge of tourists to experience its excitement. Collaborating with Major media houses to promote Adventure Travel in IndiaPrice Hotel prices in the U.S start at around $300 ( whereas the average rate for a deluxe room in India is around $100 only. Thus if the facilities for adventure sports are produced at a large scale in India its prices will surely be low, due to the low labour cost and manufacturing costs. Within the sector the competitive pricing of the adventure travel will depend on the collaboration between the service providers and the service facilitator. i.e. the parties which are able to provide a complete package to its customers including, travel, accommodation and the adventure activities will be more in demand as their operations cost will be significantly low and at the same time level of convenience very high. Place Though we have so far talked about the tourist destinations as being the ideal places for providing this service, it may not be a bad decision to have such activities in the areas in the vicinity of the cities. By providing such services at a relatively approachable distances the rate of new customers coming to experience the new and the talked about activities will be more. And it may also be easier for the working executives to take out some time from their schedule, like an excursion on the weekends. This though will be a completely strategic decision keeping in mind the competitors and the various alternatives in hand. While this strategy may not work in a city like Delhi which has various hill-stations in the vicinity but may work quite well in city like Ahmedabad where the people have a significant spending power and not many similar options either. Promotion If adventure travel in India has to be established as a global brand, first the communication needs to go out to the primary audience, i.e. the one billion people of this country. If the government, the media and the trade bodies are able to influence a part of the population, they can spread the word, which in this age of networking will surely spread like fire. Collaborative marketing efforts involving the traders, the media houses, government and a good network of brand ambassadors can provide a structured and a long term approach to brand development of Adventure Travel in India. For e.g. collaborating with the GOIs Incredible India! Campaign and engaging the famous Hindi movies star Akshay Kumar (who is well known for his action and stunts) will go a long way in establishing a brand image in the minds of the Indian customers. CASE STUDY Water Sport Adventure Tourism at Indira Sagar Madhya Pradesh has a wide range of adventure sports such as wildlife sanctuaries, mountains, rivers that make MP an exotic place to visit, which is attracting the domestic as well as the international tourists. Apart from these natural regions the Government of MP is intending to promote other regions such as Indira Sagar water reservoir for tourism. The GoMP has proposed to come-up with the Adventure Tourism Zone at Indira Sagar in Khandwa district. This Zone would have two phases wherein one phase would be developed near the mentioned reservoir and the second phase would be developed on the island formed near the dam. The Zone would have various water sports, trekking, mountaineering facilities along with the traditional accommodation facilities. The project is expected to attract tourists primarily from the State and other parts of the Country. The proposed location is well connected with the major cities of the State through road and rail. Private Players have been invited to undertake the proposed project wherein the Private Player would build, own, maintain and operate the project. PROJECT RATIONALE The prime reason for increase in demand for adventure sports is the growth youth tourism which has been identified as one of the largest segments of global and domestic tourism. The growing number of young travellers is being fuelled by a number of factors such as increased participation in higher education, falling level of youth unemployment, increased travel budget through parental contribution, quest for exciting and unique experiences and cheaper long distance travel. These young travellers form a major contribute to adventure tourism revenue. GOVERNMENT SUPPORT The State Government would assist the private investor in identifying, immediate approval and clearance of the suitable land for the project. Further, the Government would also make basic infrastructure available at the site such as water, electricity, road etc. The State Government has identified adventure/ eco tourism as key segment of tourism and gives some incentives specific to the industry. This case study gives the clear indication that this is an upcoming area of business and has huge potential and the best way forward is collaborating the effort towards successful brand building. MARKET METRICS Threats Entry of multinational agencies to dominate the business. Lack of Govt. Support Low operational cost for the unorganised sector Generic competition with other tourists attractions. Opportunities High growth rate of leisure travel Rising influence of Indian Middle class Holidaying becoming a status symbol. Corporate support to adventure tours and travels More consumption power. WEAKNESS High infrastructural cost. Low level of marketing Psychological resistance to adventure sports in Indian mentality. Lack of collaboration and networking among the existing players. STRENGTH Offering something new and exciting to the huge Indian Population. Success abroad can be emulated domestically by collaboration. Increasing interest of foreign tourists in India. High growth potential The market metrics can be analysed by doing a SWOT analysis of the adventure travel in India. MARKET GROWTH Note: The per capita income of the Indian citizen rose by 12.7 % during the fiscal year 2008-09.(Reserve Bank of India). The foreign tourists arrival in India registered a growth of 5.6% during the year 2008.(Ministry of Tourism, Annual Report 2008-09) Both of the above mentioned statistics indicate an increase in the demand for the adventure travel services. While the domestic travellers will continue to send their ever increasing earnings, the foreign tourists will continue to venture out to the lesser explored countries like India. Thus, it is now in the hands of the industry players to tap the clear and present opportunity and act proactively with or without the collaboration of the government authorities to gain head on advantage in the upcoming field of business in the tourism industry. Conclusion High Price High Quality Low Price Low Quality As their countrys growth and recent success might suggest, Indian consumers are among the most optimistic. A June 2008 Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index among 48 countries found India to be the second most optimistic country behind Norway with an index of 122 (global average was 88). They are also greatly value-driven, with an expectation that values should be customized and adapted to Indian culture-not an easy task when dialects change every 100 kilometres and almost three-quarters of the population lives in hard-to-reach rural areas. Not surprisingly, the companies most likely to succeed with Indian consumers are those with the highest levels of patience, resilience and local understanding. But this confidence surprisingly not enjoyed by the Adventure Travel service currently available in the tourism market as it is being offered to the customers at a quality which is nowhere close to world class and is relative expensive option for the Indian consumer. The industry needs to collaborate amongst itself and with the support of the government try providing highly satisfactory Adventure travel to its customers at an affordable price. Only then will it be able to market its product convincingly and effectively to the customers, ensuring a growth oriented sustainable future.

Pest Analysis For Madame Tussauds Marketing Essay

Pest Analysis For Madame Tussauds Marketing Essay Thousands and thousands of wax statue has been designed which reflects the art, culture, fame, emotions, success and personality of an individual, basically waxworks are an appreciation for an individual for their tremendous work in their specific field and to honour them for their work, which is recognised by the world and the world should have the clear picture of glory of an individual which speaks about his work, ability, life style, behaviours and also admired as a symbol of role model and this attitude brings them to the hall of fame in Madame Tussauds as a piece of art created in the form wax statue. Madame Tussauds is a wax museum which was opened 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. It was founded by wax sculptor Marie Tussauds and was formerly known as Madame Tussauds. Madame Tussauds is the globally acclaimed wax museum; its history is fascinating and its exhibitions haunting in their accurate likeness to well-known figures, living and dead. The mus eum displays waxworks of their honourable guests who are (A-list) celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights, royal figures and historical icons, reliving the times, events and moments that made the world talk about them. Madame Tussauds has attraction in London, Las Vegas, Sydney, Vienna, Blackpool, Hollywood, Washington D.C., Amsterdam, Berlin, Hong Kong, New York City and is owned by the Merlin Entertainments Group, hence is the second largest leisure organisation in the world after Disney. Madame Tussauds is recognised as a brand with strong reputation and offers a unique experience. It is one of the most important tourist attraction spots in the world, which is visited by the tourists all over the world. Hence it is one of the most attractive places visited by the people around the world, which also helps in generating the revenue and making it one of the most profitable leisure organisations in the world. Madame Tussauds is mainly known for its waxworks which is the worlds most famous tourist spot, it is a place of art and entertainment which makes it a visitor attraction, hence you can discover worlds most famous personalitys wax statue which speaks about their fame and success. Mad ame Tussauds of today is a fast paced and interactive experience, encouraging visitors to get up close and personal with their favourite celebrities. Madame Tussauds as a model for a successful leisure business is highly interesting and hence it focuses on each section of the resource an introduction to leisure and tourism, marketing and sales and customer service. In todays world Madame Tussauds is world renewed museum, which is a great hub for the organisation to fetch revenue, it has a versatile features and strategy adopted by the organisation to maximise the profit level in order to achieve the organisational objectives. Madame Tussauds is a big brand which holds goodwill in the present market, it is one of those leisure organisations which had a great outcome during the period of recession, and hence it earned profit when the countries economies were at the saturation period, whereas Madame Tussauds made stable outcomes. Even the countries economic fall and recession cannot a ffect this leisure organisation. It is a place of knowledge, learning, arts, education and entertainment which has a great impact on visitors. The museum can reach only those whom it can attract. This fact alone is enough to compel it to be convenient to all, wide in its scope, varied in its activities, hospitable eager to follow any lead the humblest inquirer may give. (JOHN COTTON DANA) 4 Ps OF MARKETING MIX FOR MADAME TUSSAUDS: (MAIN BODY) MARKETING MIX:-When a firm is marketing for their product and services, firm need to create the successful mix of: their right product, which is sold at the right price, at right place and uses most suitable form of promotion. The marketing mix balances the product and services introduced in to the market. Hence it is a unique method of selling goods and services to the customer and making perfect balance to draw the attention of their potential customer. It is tool which is used by an organisation to increase the demand of their product and services, profit margin and achieve their organisational objectives. Madame Tussauds will have their own marketing mix to utilising them as perfect balance in order to create demand of their product and services and attracting the attention of their potential visitors worldwide. This is what an organisation draws the attention of their potential customer and provides to its customer worldwide. PRODUCT:- is a main element of marketing mix, it is vital in marketing mix as it is the only source of generating sales revenue, without this element an organisation can never think of generating profit. The wax statue of Madame Tussauds is the globally acclaimed wax museum; its history is fascinating and its exhibitions haunting in their accurate likeness to well-known figures, living and dead. The museum displays waxworks of their honourable guests who are (A-list) celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights, royal figures and historical icons, reliving the times, events and moments that made the world talk about them. The wax statue of Madame Tussauds is the product which you buy or experience, either the product can be tangible or intangible. Hence the right products are those product and services that the customers want to buy or experience it. There are thousands and thousands of wax statues which are listed as product and that can be experienced by the visitors world wide. Hence it is very much important that the right product gets to the right people. PRICE: is an important element of marketing mix, it is the amount paid for the product and services by the consumer. If the price is low customer attention is drawn and if prices are high it deviates the attention of customer, hence the right price of any product and services are those which are paid comfortably by the customer or are prepared to make the payment for their experience. If the prices are stable for their product which are offered then this process also allows the organisation to make their profit. Hence the cost is the manufacturing cost and the price is the profit added to the manufacturing cost. Hence price is the one which create the sales revenue and all the others are cost. Each figure costs approximately $125,000 to make. Merlin aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences to its 30 million visitors worldwide. There is different pricing method for different age group. Madame Tussauds has a variety of pricing technique to attract their customer and also ha s lots of offer which encourage the consumers to visit. These price only help organisation to make profit, an organisation needs to make profit to make the business successful. It is clearly mentioned that the pricing policy of an organisation will differ according to time and circumstances PLACE: is the specific area where the product and services will be marketed, sold or experienced. A place where customer can easily interact or experience products and services. It is the designated area for the availability of their goods and services and for their is transferred from one place to another and then making them available for the customer. Madame Tussauds has attraction in London, Las Vegas, Sydney, Vienna, Blackpool, Hollywood, Washington D.C., Amsterdam, Berlin, Hong Kong, New York City and is owned by the Merlin Entertainments Group, hence is the second largest leisure organisation in the world. These wax statues can be experienced from different part of this world, which makes it available all the time at different places and can be easily visited round the world. Location and easy access are the important factor for any organisation and which makes them available all the time. Today transportation has played an important role for visitin g Madame Tussauds located at different places and can be experienced easily. Hence it is the process of getting the right product to the right place at the right time. PROMOTION: is the unique method of communicating with customers. It is a communication tool that provides information and guide line to the consumer, promotion covers all the methods in which a leisure organisation communicates about their product and services and hence allows the customer to make decision while purchasing their product and services. It is very important for almost every organisation; it is an easy process to draw the attention and providing information to reach the ultimate consumer. Madame Tussauds uses various modes of promotion to aware the visitors throughout the world wide; i.e. advertisement, sales promotion, public relation, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsorship, events and displays are the communication tools through which an organisation communicate to the people around the worldwide. It bridges the gap between the people and the organisation to interact with each other. It is the most dynamic process which enables the customer to experience and understand. These promotional activities separate the communication gap and hence construct the healthy relation to obtain feedback form the visitors. Which are the extreme source for generating the sales revenue and people are updated with latest news and information, what is happening within and outside of an organisation worldwide? PEST ANALYSIS FOR MADAME TUSSAUDS: POLITICAL- Madame Tussauds has a great political impact, as it is bounded by the government legal, local as well as international laws, it works according to the organisations memorandum and article of association, hence it maintains the healthy decorum as stated by government about environmental regulation and protection, taxation policies, international trade policies/restrictions, consumer protection/employment laws, competition regulation, political stability and safety regulation. These important measures are adopted to bridge a healthy relation between political and leisure organisation. Both are interdependent on each other by giving tax to the governments, company can enjoy so many benefits without any political hindrance. Political aspects are generated to maintain healthy impact on consumers and all the three party (company, consumer and government) can enjoy the benefits and advantage arising from each other. Thus Madame Tussauds holds healthy political aspects and receives a great co-operation from the government as it is one of the most reliable sources of revenue generation. The Merlin Entertainments group operates the attraction and ensures that the spirit, artistry and vision of Madame Tussauds live on. ECONOMIC Madame Tussauds has a great move towards economy, around 500 million people have visited Madame Tussauds London since it was first established- thats more than the population of North America and Australia combined. Each figure costs approximately $125,000 to make. Merlin aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences to its 30 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and local brands, and the commitment and passion of its managers and 13000 employees. For more than 200 years, Madame Tussauds has been entertaining and educating millions of people with its signature wax figures. It is a place of art and entertainment which makes it a visitor attraction. Madame Tussauds of today is a fast paced and interactive experience, encouraging visitors to get up close and personal with their favourite celebrities. As it is a reliable source of generating revenue, it has great impact on economy, thus even in a poor economic condition it is efficient in maintaining the stability of an organisation, it helps in economic growth of an organisation, hence it helps in maintaining the interest rates and monetary policies for an organisation to perform smoothly. A large number of employment opportunities are created and highly skilled and qualified people are employed in an organisation for economic growth. Merlin Entertainments group has seen the most successful and dynamic growth of any company in the sector over five years. The worlds No 2 visitor attraction operator wax figures. SOCIAL It was opened 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. Merlin aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences to its 30 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and local brands, and the commitment and passion of its managers and 13000 employees. For more than 200 years, Madame Tussauds has been entertaining and educating millions of people with its signature wax figures. Madame Tussauds is recognised as a brand with strong reputation and offers a unique experience. It is one of the most important tourist attraction spots in the world, which is visited by the tourists all over the world, which also help in generating the revenue and making it one of the most profitable leisure organisations in the world. It is a place of art and entertainment which makes it a visitor attraction, hence you can discover worlds most famous personalitys wax statue which speaks about their fame and success. It is a place for different age group which transforms the information in forms of knowledge, education, art, activity, innovation, motivation, skills and ability, culture, learning skills, emotion, fashion, fame, success and personality of an individual. Madame Tussauds is a beautiful waxwork place which holds the tremendous work culture and values of society. It takes an extra effort for the welfare of society. Madame Tussauds has escaped destruction in three major 20th century catastrophes. The world famous attraction survived a huge fire in 1925; earthquake in 1931; and devastating blitz bombing during World War II in 1940. TECHNOLOGICAL It begins from initial sitting to press launch, a typical Madame Tussauds figure takes around four months to make, utilise a team of around 20 skilled artists and costs  £150,000. Nearly 500 precise body and facial measurements are taken over two hours at a standard sitting session with the celebrity subject. This gives Madame Tussauds sculptors to create a strikingly realistic figure. Merlin Entertainments group is mainly focusing on the usage of advance technology to improve their waxworks and visitors from worldwide can have a clear picture of their favourite personality in their mind, hence giving a life to their waxwork and also utilisation of latest technology has improved the working style and behaviour of an organisation, in order to satisfy their visitor from the worldwide. In fact there is a lot of replacement in their working style every day we learn something new and try to innovate and present in such way to draw the attention of our visitors. Technology has its own impact it helps to learn and gain the work sprit to achieve the organisational goals. A customer always have high expectations due to rapid change in technology, proactive approach to new product development and proactive, aggressive approach to future strategies. A continuous improvement in transport infrastructure is highly developed and among the best in the world. There are 6 airports that share the international air transport association airport; they are Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, City and Biggin Hill. High speed train, underground tube, DLR, over ground, and expansion of national motorways improve interregional links. The use of the internet and e-commerce has seen a strong growth since 2000. SWOT ANALYSIS FOR MADAME TUSSAUDS: SWOT ANALYSIS: is a method which determine the potential factor of an organisation and the performance of an employees which are combined together to achieve the organisational objectives. Every organisation grows due to their potential hard working employees that cover the entire task instructed by their superior. Swot analysis is a tool that identifies the internal and external factor for an organisation i.e. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Some of the internal factors are strengths and weaknesses and external factors are opportunities and threats. Internal factors are those attributes which help you to identify your strengths within the organisation that can be highly skilled employees, products that you are offering or the amount of work culture you are promoting and it also identify your weaknesses where the organisation is lacking or is unsuccessful that can be the usage of resources, performance of an individual or facing unhealthy circumstances. Every organ isation needs manpower to grow rapidly in to the market and facing the unseen conditions. Hence the external factors are those attributes which help you to identify your opportunities and threats coming from outside of the organisation, it helps you to provide external information which can be an opportunities for an organisation or threats for an organisation it mainly indicates you in advance how to accept the feedback and response to it in future. Madame Tussauds is well placed organisation which focuses on its internal and external factors of an organisation. STRENGTHS: for any organisation manpower is the most important strengths, success of any organisation depends on the usage of its manpower and their ultimate resources. For more than 200 years, Madame Tussauds has been entertaining and educating millions of people with its signature wax figures and has an excellent technique to handle their customer efficiently. It is a place of art and entertainment which makes it a visitor attraction. Madame Tussauds of today is a fast paced and interactive experience, encouraging visitors to get up close and personal with their favourite celebrities. Organisation strength mainly depends on the sub division of various departments i.e. good visitor facilities, various cultural and excellent extra curriculum activities which are generally linked with school and others institutional programme. Madame Tussauds is globally recognised brand with worldwide strong reputation; Madame Tussauds is one of those organisations which offer a wide range of experi ence to its visitors from every part of world with much transportation linkage. Merlin aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences to its 30 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and local brands, and the commitment and passion of its managers and 13000 employees. Madame Tussauds permits the visitors to have a photograph with their favourite celebrities and can share their experiences with other members. WEAKNESSES: are those factor which are possibly faced by every organisation, weaknesses are those elements which are the back portion of every organisation. Weaknesses are of various types it can be internal as well as external, internal weaknesses are within the organisation and external weaknesses are out of the organisation. As we know that every organisation have their weaknesses some way or other, in same manner Madame Tussauds have local parking for coaches is difficult as it requires a huge parking spaces as it is one of the most common problem. It also creates problem on holidays and weekends as there are large number of visitors are visiting to their favourite place and have to make a long queuing on busy days and it also makes difficult to approach near the popular wax figures as it is crowded and is not so easy to experience it. These issues can create fear in the customers mind before thinking of visiting Madame Tussauds, as the customers are held with so many problems s uch as parking, long queuing, and crowded popular wax figures. Some of foreign language differences and provision are also making it complex for the visitors from worldwide, as we know that Madame Tussauds holds a cosmopolitan environment and should focus on the language provision as they are the only extreme source for generating revenue for an organisation. OPPORTUNITIES: Madame Tussauds is utilising the effective opportunities for the growth and redevelopment scheme for achieving the organisational objectives, which consist of increase in government funding, usage of resources and skilled employees, increasing the sales revenue of an organisation, to maintain the brand loyalty, targeting new market, developing a new product mix, increasing product contribution, effective customer handling and international cooperation. Madame Tussauds develops new wax figures to attract mass audience, many new schools and other instructional programme are organised to transfer knowledge and information in which a large audience participate in it. Hence it also creates many new distribution channels to bridge a gap between consumer and organisation for a healthy relationship, Madame Tussauds always works on its upcoming events these are new themed events which attracts large amount of newly formed audiences. Hence it always believes in working on advan ce technology to upgrade the knowledge and can face the new challenges in future and create new figures through which a large amount of informative audience can be targeted to fetch revenue from them. To make a hike for an organisation one need to take and handle the opportunities in right direction or positive use can lead the organisation to grow more and more. THREATS: can be of different types, which can lead you future trouble, threats are predicted as well as unpredicted circumstances which can harm an organisation structure in future. Whereas organisation takes extra measures and are prepared to overcome of the coming obstacles. Threats can be internal which are within the organisation or it can be external which are outside of the organisation. Mostly threats are from competitive environment, alternative destination and attractions, unreliable transportation, change in usage of advance technology, free attraction in London are some of the most upcoming threats which the company faces and has to bear the loses raised for the threats. All these threats are situational changes, whereas if the company can forecast these threats then the company can face these threats, whereas if an organisation cannot forecast the threats then it can lead to a serious issue. These threats can be controlled and the situation arises from these threats can also be controlled. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Merlin Entertainments Group is the second largest leisure organisation in the world after Disney. . Merlin aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences to its 30 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and local brands. Madame Tussauds is a big brand name and is globally acclaimed museum, Madame Tussauds of today is a fast paced and interactive experience, encouraging visitors to get up close and personal with their favourite celebrities. Madame Tussauds as a model for a successful leisure business is highly interesting and hence it focuses on each section of the resource an introduction to leisure and tourism, marketing and sales and customer service. It identitys the core concept through which an organisation objectives can be achieved. The commitment and passion of its managers and 13000 employees has been incredible, hence an organisation has been credible in utilisation of employees and its resources, and an organisation has received an effective cooperation to achieve the tasks and positive feedback from the employees. The management has a dynamic role to play with its marketing staff, distribution channel, advertisement and media networks and various other field work employees for spreading the knowledge and information to the customer and maintaining a healthy relation. Madame Tussauds is recognised as a brand with strong reputation and offers a unique experience. It is one of the most important tourist attraction spots in the world, which is visited by the tourists all over the world. Hence Merlin Entertainments Groups can also go for several project worldwide as it has a strong brand name and under this brand name many other Madame Tussauds museum can be operated in various country, Madame Tussauds has attraction in London, Las Vegas, Sydney, Vienna, Blackpool, Hollywood, Washington D.C., Amsterdam, Berlin, Hong Kong, New York City and Shanghai. Hence it can be extended to more different part of this world under the same brand name, as an organisation it is the most profitable organisation and has a tendency to increase the amount of profit margin as it holds great goodwill in the current global market. It spreads a cosmopolitan heritage across the world and hold international cooperation with various countries, and the role of manpower and skille d employees especially for this organisation has been phenomenon and this organisation has a great scope in future as it is one of the oldest attractive hub for most of the people across the world. Madame Tussauds is a wax museum which was opened 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Compromise and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Pride Prejudic

Compromise and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is not unusual for an individual to disagree with social customs or expectations. Some people are only happy when they can rebel against society. Most mature adults eventually realize that compromise is necessary to achieve happiness. This is the case in the early nineteenth century England setting of Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. In the novel, Miss Elizabeth Bennet is a lively, independent woman, whose family's financial situation and whose strong mindedness suggest that she may never marry. Mr. Darcy, is a rigid and proper man, who falls in love with Elizabeth, despite their differences. By the end of the novel, Elizabeth and Darcy learn to compromise, and, in doing so, become truly happy. In marrying, they not only fulfill themselves as individuals, but also affirm the principle values of society. The marriage at the end of the novel shows Jane Austen's ideal view of marriage as a social institution.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen gives us the reader a very good idea of how she views marriage, as well as society. The theme of marriage is set in the very opening sentence of Pride and Prejudice; "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" (Austen, 1) As Norman Sherry points out, this is Austen's way of implying that 'a single man in possession of a good fortune' is automatically destined to be the object of desire for all unmarried women. The statement opens the subject of the romantic novel; courtship and marriage. The sentence also introduces the issue of what the reasons for marrying are. She implies here that many young women marry for money. The question... ...s, Jane Austen makes them 'all right'." (Sherry, 92) By having Darcy and Elizabeth end the novel engaged in an ideal marriage is a significant detail. Jane Austen, in doing this is suggesting that society would be better if it followed Elizabeth and Darcy's example. By controlling pride and prejudice, and by learning that compromise is sometimes the best way to happiness, society can hope to improve itself. Marriage in the end, is the perfect ending, since it is both an affirmation of the values of society as well as a personal fulfillment, which it is for both Elizabeth and Darcy since they improve themselves by being together.    Works Cited: Austen, Jane. "Pride and Prejudice. New York. Bantam Books, 1813,1981. Butler, Marilyn. Jane Austen and the War of Ideas. Oxford. Claredon Press, 1975 Sherry, Norman. Jane Austen. London. Montegue House, 1966